Tag Archives: Intensive language learning

Intensive Language Learning

Hitting the Books

Hitting the Books

Have been very quiet on the posting front of late as have been in an intensive Hindi Language course with Zabaan institute in Kailash Colony.  It has been full-on to say the least, but that is why you sign up for an intensive language course.  We were reading and writing the Devangari script within the first 2 weeks and from then on it was hard core grammar.  Not the course you want to sign up to if you expect to be out on the streets chatting to people straight away, it is very grammar heavy with minimal conversation.  While I feel I now need to consolidate with conversation, which I will do with private tutoring over the coming weeks and being brave and bold on the streets 🙂 all that I have learnt in the past month is definitely going to help me in conversing.  I am glad I did this course first.  I hope to do the advanced intensive once the kids are settled in school and I have managed to complete the many other commitments I have at present.  It pays not to have anything else going on when you commit to an intensive course like this as the real learning comes in consolidating at home with reading, memorising vocab, completing the exercises, transcribing and translating text – all very time consuming and near impossible while home schooling 3 kids 🙂 and running them to sport etc.

I do recommend Zabaan to anyone wanting to learn Hindi – but for those really wanting to chat in Hindi immediately – it would be best to also get some tutorship in conversation or sit on a street corner with the local ironing lady or man and chat away with a phrase book while taking notes (if you have the time!).